Monday, September 15, 2008

Health & Wellness

So far... I'm hating September. I detest what I know is coming... winter with its cold and snow, wearing too many clothes again, and a huge heating bill. The only bright spot that I have to look forward to is our two weeks of sun and warmth in Florida this winter.

But it hasn't been a great month - health wise. Jason hurt his neck the last weekend of August and has been suffering ever since. I took him to the Emergency Room at one of the local hospitals on the 31st of August and he saw a doctor who gave him some Tylenol 3's and something for anxiety? Yes, anxiety! By midnight when nothing was working, I made the dreaded trip with him to the big hospital where we sat till 6:30 in the morning waiting to see a doctor. This time, he got some muscle relaxers. We went home and slept most of the day. It's been two weeks and he still can't turn his head from side-to-side, or up and down very much without pain. He has seen our doctor twice and returns tomorrow. He saw a massage therapist on the advise of our Doctor and that didn't help a lot. We're hoping this clears up soon. He is so bored not being able to do anything and be sedated on mind-numbing meds all the time. He just sleeps and sits up with a cold pack alternating with the heating pad on it. It's been a long two weeks. It seems to get a little better each day, but he can't reach his arm even to shoulder height without pain so I get things out of the cupboard for him. Driving? Nope. His car hasn't run in over 2 weeks. Of course with the price of gas taking two huge increases over the last couple of days, he doesn't want to.

Jason just turned 25 in June and I'll be 59 in October. I thought I'd be the one with all the health issues.

So this winter when we go to Orlando, we WON'T be riding any coasters!

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