Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Hi. Thanks for dropping by.

It seems everybody these days has a blog. So I thought I'd join the masses and use this space to occasionally ramble. Jason says I talk to much anyway, so consider this therapy for me, and you can be my shrink. I hope you don't charge by the hour!

You probably found the link on our home page which brought you here, so I won't go into detail about Jason, Grover or me. Most of our story was found there. I will say that it's amazing how many emails I receive from guys out there who read my story and understand completely. They are in the same situation and for some reason, seem to find hope from my life story. I always appreciate receiving these heart-warming letters and it makes me proud to have been a source of inspiration for some people.

So for now, I'll say "thanks for dropping by" and when it's not so late, I'll have another session.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the blogosphere, Larry!